Goodbye Dumas

Goodbye Dumas, my baby kitty, kitty boy, baby boy, kitty face, pretty face, kee, monkey boy, little love, Mr. Kitty, jerk, and of course, dumb ass. I walked in the door today after work, and was freshly devastated.  You weren’t already mowing at me as you turned the corner from the family room, or from … Read more

A Cheesy Kind of Day

I ended up at 2 different Whole Foods today, but was pretty successful in my acquisitions.  The sharp cheddar style and the french style are courtesy of Whole Foods.  I keep forgetting they will let people try things for free.  That saved me $15, and has me trying a $8 item I wouldn’t probably have … Read more

13. Yes, 13.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my food recently.  With all the items on my newsfeed about GMO this, and “grow it yourself” that, I am finding myself very focused on what it took for my food to get to me.  The chicken breast I ate for lunch was part of a creature that lived … Read more