Indonesian Rice Pudding (Variation)

Wheat free / Gluten free / Dairy Free

6 oz (by weight) Minute Rice
1 TB Potato starch
7 c Soy Silk (soy milk)
1 c sugar
4-6 Cardamom pods
4 TB Nucoa Margarine (has no dairy)
2 TB slivered almonds
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 tsp nutmeg

Preheat oven to 275°. In greased 9 X 13 X 2 pan, mix rice, potato starch, milk, sugar, cardamom pods, and margarine (side note: the easiest way to deal with the margarine is frozen and use a cheese grater. That way you have even distribution.). Stir well and place in oven.
After 30 minutes, stir the pudding and put back in the oven for another 30 minutes.
After the second 30 minutes, add the slivered almond and the ground cardamom. Stir well and cook for an additional 1 1/2 hours until it has a porridge consistency. Remove from oven and add the nutmeg. Serves 4-6. In theory.

Further Notes: The original calls for 1 TB rose water to be added with the nutmeg, and while rose water is yummy, it is not critical enough to the recipe for me to go hunting for it. The Cardamom is. 🙂
The original also uses real rice, but I don’t, so there ya go. Adding the potato starch makes up for the missing rice starch. 4 oz real rice if you want to try it that way.
Don’t try to convert the 6 oz of rice to a wet measure equivalent. It doesn’t work. It ends up being approximately 1 1/2 cups too little rice. And oh boy does that take a long time to become custard like. About 4 hours. That’s Additional hours. Trust me.
Believe it or not, this freezes well. Just be sure to freeze in single servings. Chopping off pieces of pudding can be hazardous.

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