I did not get many of the things on my list done. Granted it is only 4, but I’m pooped.
Pat went to Ken’s. I did go sit in the sun, and actually worked a little on the cross stitch. Yay me. However, white thread on white canvas in VERY bright sunlight rapidly makes Melissas go blind. OOf.
Then I walked into the house and apparently actually SAW it for the first time in a while. Good God, what a mess. So I decided it was time for some Shame Therapy. I decided to be my own mother and check up on me every hour to see how the room cleaning was coming along. Always seemed to work (to one degree or another) when I was a kid. So Here Goes…
Started a little after Noon.. At 1ish…
a bit after 2 (never use a clock to time yourself that has no batteries in it)
and the end
look! there was an elliptical under there!
and a closet!
I had to stop at 2:45, because my stomach growled and I realized I was dizzy. Time to eat.
So, I did two of the things on my list!
I got out in the sun and cleaned the library. Oh, wait, make that 3! I cleaned off the table.
Everything is not clean, but at the very least it has been cleared off and hosed down.
Music for the day was Bonnie Raitt Collection, David Bowie Changes, Tori Amos Little Earthquakes, and Tom Waits Franks Wild Years
It looks very nice! Good job!
Thank you. 🙂 I miss having company on a semi-regular basis. I made it so I HAD to keep it neat.