Had a very nice time at breakfast. Sister has a new tattoo! Her first, but it is big! Very nice, too. 🙂
Need to have the older nephews to spend the night again sometime. The youngest is still in diapers, so we aren’t ready for him yet. The older 2 love to play WarCraft (what good boys!) and plan for months the strategy they will use to attempt to beat Pat. Last time we stayed up WAY too late playing and then got up and played some more. We were all still in pajamas and had not eaten yet when sister and brother-in-law called to say they were on the way to pick them up. At 1 in the afternoon. Pat and I are such bad influences.
Monday morning on the way to work was the first day the trees actually had green on them. Looked kind of like they had a thin layer of moss, but by the time I headed home, it actually looked like sprouting leaves. YAY!!! Still haven’t worked on the side yard much, altho’ I did pick up the things that were yellow. A biggie cup, and plastic cup and a plastic band like off of a paper box. Lucky us, we are the ones who have the fence the wind blows everything in the street against.
Have done a little more on the cross stitch. Good thing CJ’s baby is not due til fall, although I am making better progress than I was. I was averaging 2 stitches per month there for a while. *grin* Bad feet day on Sunday helped keep me still and in the chair long enough to actually work on it.
Off to go dig new library books out of the bag and start dinner…

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