life gets in the way

Sorry it has been such a long time since I updated…
For a while I didn’t feel like being on the computer in general, then my computer started locking up, so it was annoying me and I REALLY didn’t want to be on it, then the Kitty got really sick and I haven’t had time or inclination to do much of anything beyond fret about him and take care of him. I think mostlymaylone has been updating his journal pretty regularly, so I don’t think I will hash over the details. He looks a little better today, but if we don’t get him a LOT better by Friday we will have to put him down. The prednazone appears to be helping and he is not making the lip-smack sounds as much. I would say that the sub-cutaneous fluids are helping, altho it was such a horrible experience last night to do that he will probably run from me when we try tonight. I don’t blame him. I don’t want anyone (especially someone as inexperienced as me) poking me with a toothpick sized needle either.
Patrick has been an incredible Kitty Daddy and Husband and has stayed up till all hours and taken vacation time to take care of Dumas. He is better at this than I am and I am grateful to and for him. All of this would have been even harder, if not impossible, were it not for him.
I’m done talking about this right now, but I will try to keep everyone posted. If you don’t see anything from me and are curious, take a look at Pat’s.

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