
Kitty is better!
Just got back from the Vet’s. He has been acting more like himself the past couple of days, so I was a little hopeful, but we thought it was maybe false hope because of the Prednasone. Dumas has lost another 6 oz. since Saturday. (November visit he was 9lb 15oz, the first day we were at the vet’s 9lb 5oz, Saturday he was 8lb 5oz, today 7lb 15oz) But…The liver inflammation was at 85 from 299! It is now in the normal range! The Bnc (?) which is the number that goes down as he gets less protein than he needs is better too, but not as much. Doc said that if we can beef him back up, he should be ok for a while. Right now he is sitting on the printer grooming, so that is a good change too. Now if the little bugger would just eat, we could get rid of the feeding tube.

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