good day

Today has been a Good Day.
I woke up to a purry Kitty Face right in front of me. He walked over and round me several times, pausing every now and again to lay on my chest and puuuuuurrrrrrrr (Pat says my chest makes a good amplifier). He wanted under the covers, so I let him. He got to my knees, turned around, sat down, stood up, came back up to my face, purred at me, turned around, got to my knees, turned around, sat down, stood up, came back up to my face, purred at me, turned around… By this time I was giggling so hard there was no way I was going to get back to sleep, so I got up, started laundry, got some coffee and read the paper.
Kitty is now on an appetite stimulator and it seems to be working since he has eaten almost exclusively on his own today. I think he is tired of us chasing him down with syringes saying, “Want some more food, Kitty?”
He has also been very vocal today. 🙂


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