still here, still alive

Went to Mom and Dad’s today for family get together. It was a lot of fun. Tim had some movies that soldiers in Iraq have put together and lots of pics. It was very good to see him. The boys were pretty much all smiles. 🙂
We all ate too much and older sis and the baby fell asleep. Little sis’s husband fell asleep (home today from the Slope on night shift). My husband fell asleep. Dad fell asleep. I don’t know what it is about my parent’s house, but that always happens. 🙂
Kitty is happily snoring in the wire In Box on my desk. Dog is unhappily panting and drooling due to the fireworks. Which are illegal in Anchorage. Fire danger. Idiots. Apparently the idea of their houses burning down doesn’t bother them.
Dumas should get his tube out Saturday assuming that he continues to gain weight. He feels like he has, and he is more active. We shall see what his numbers are like too.

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