Melissa still has weird dreams

Very odd dream last night. I was roommates with pers1stence and it was the end of the semester. We shared a house with the boy who lives next door to Pat and I, and his father who was Mel Gibson at the age he was in “Road Warrior”. I knew that MA was going to spend a few days with her boyfriend after finals were over, and she kept telling me she was moving out, but I had only seen her pack a very small suitcase. I didn’t realize that she was moving out Right Then until I realized that half the lights in the house were gone. They were hers, but I hadn’t realized that she was going. And I didn’t even say good-bye. I was upset with myself. There was more, but it has been a VERY long day and I don’t remember it anymore.

2 thoughts on “Melissa still has weird dreams”

  1. I think it was because you kept TRYING to tell me you were going, and I was having a series of Duh moments and just not getting it.


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