7 thoughts on “Hot!!”

  1. **snork!**
    (stones, rocks, pebbles, whatever it takes)
    I’ve made it my personal mission to promote metric where I can.
    By the way, it’s easy to remember: 68°F (standard room temperature, a number we all should know) is exactly 20°F (a nice round number).

  2. Nah, but we’re seriously considering a future beach house on the southern OR coast (or renting a place in AK) for the too-f’ing-hot months, but that won’t happen until after we pay off the student loans. . .

  3. Re: **snork!**
    We’d all be more likely to learn it if you would post your temperature reports in both. You can choose to keep your reports pure or to learn us some science. 🙂

  4. I told Pat once that I wanted to be a snowbird, ya know, here in the summer, somewhere else in the winter. He said he would miss me. Guess I don’t get to be a snowbird. 🙂


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