Pretty good weekend all told…
Attempted bed at a decent hour Friday night, but it didn’t work…Still got up at 6:30 Saturday. 🙂
Ready to walk out the door by 9 to grocery shop and stopped to check if I had charge on the cell. Yes. And 4 Voice Mails…2 junk, one from a coworker on Thursday, and one from older sis on Wednesday saying that nephew is in hospital. Oxygen levels were way low…the new treatment he is on makes him cough a lot (which is good) but all of the stuff that he is coughing is getting stuck further up his airways (which is bad) so he is in for a tuneup. Why she didn’t call the house….
Did shopping – finally sold the summer tires from the Jimmy, so I had cash to spend…yippee… came home… back out to Home Depot for fan stuff…Laid in the sun on the bed and watched Pat work on the fan and read (the rule is we don’t play with electricity or ladders without both of us here. the ladders rule gets broken pretty often.) I think I may have been trying to be sick, cause I was freezing the whole time. Back to Home Depot for more stuff. Found triple plate cover and three gang old work box, so we can have two switches and the timer… back to home for some more laying around.
Sunday… More of the same, except up to the coworker’s house for her keys so that we can check on their house while they are in the lower 48, and to visit the nephew in the hospital. Then more laying in the sun while Pat worked. I did get up and bring him things when he needed them, and there was a short period when for some reason I followed him around the house when he was getting other things ready. We weren’t talking or anything, was just…following him around…weird…
anyway, the fan and new light where the old fan was are just about finished. I may actually get to shower in the master bath again by this weekend. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(It has been since about last September)

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