3 thoughts on “dragons, dragons, dragons!!!!”

  1. Re: pern
    Depends on what you consider first, second, etc. The order they were written in isn’t entirely the chronological order.
    Some of them are good, some of them blow serious goats. Don’t bother with anything written after, say, 2000 (I haven’t read the two (or three??) most recent, but there was a definite downward trend). I think my favorites are Nerilka, Dragonsdawn, and the Dragonsong/Dragonsinger/Dragondrums trilogy.

  2. Re: pern
    The first ones I read and my favorites are the Dragonsong/Dragonsinger/Dragondrums trilogy. I don’t remember how old I was, but we were still in MO, and we moved up here when I was 10. Wait…The publication date in my copy of Dragonsinger (which is the one I started on) is 1980, so my guess is that I was about 8.
    I love the early ones, same as Patch, but also like Patch, have not been so enamored with the later ones. I haven’t read the one’s her son co-wrote, and from what I read of them, I likely won’t.


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