Catch up posts

I finally checked my email and found that people had responded to some comments that I had made. Sorry it took me so long! I wasn’t ignoring you, I swear!

Patch-Thanks for the knitting help…now it makes much more sense. I knitted one row, turned the work and purled the next and now it looks like this on one side:
and this on the other:
YAY! I think I got it! Now I just have to get MUCH smoother at it. 🙂

Poisondartfrog- let me know if you need any help, and I will do what I can. 🙂

My first dose of the Humira should be on its way…Still apprehensive, but excited…I about had a panic attack yesterday talking to the Prescription insurance company and the girl said (to my comment about at least my out of pocket portion would be taken care of quickly) that no, the out of pocket max was what insurance would pay up to. I called the regular insurance company. She was wrong. The insurance co picks up 100% after I have paid $2000.00. Whew…

I finished the taxes this week and installed the new version of Quicken, the dolls are dusted and the downstairs is vacuumed. Yay productive me!
I tried stair walking on break today and remembered why I don’t. I get HORRIBLY dizzy. I will stick with going to the file room and doing wall pushups and leg lifts if I feel the need to exercise at work. 🙂

It was warmer today on the way home…9°F as opposed to -11 when I went to work. Heat Wave!!

Speaking of Fairbanks…Is there anyone else I know on here that I don’t have Friended yet? Very difficult to tell based solely on the user names. 🙂 I have comments hidden. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Catch up posts”

  1. You have mastered stockinette! Now you have to learn how to keep it from curling up … because it does. 😉 Depending on what your project is, you can either hem or edge in garter stitch – knitting every row, so the project looks like:
    Or hem/edge in ribbing, you can do 1 x 1 ribbing, 2 x 2 … etc. K1, P1, repeat. Or K2, P2, repeat. Every other row, you’ll have to do the opposite of the row before it, or else you get seed stitch/double seed stitch instead of ribbing.
    1 x 1:
    2 x 2:
    Ribbing is stretchy and cinches up (take a look at your closest sweatshirt cuff, for an example), so if your project is, say, a dishcloth, you’ll want to use garter stitch instead to avoid bunching up edges you want laying flat. It’s great for cuffs and necklines, but I’m not so fond of it for the bottom hems of shirts … I prefer mine to hang, not bunch up. 😛


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