Ode To Cheesecake

O cheesecake
How I adore you.
Your very name
Brings a quiet smile to my lips
Remembering our times together,
Anticipating future encounters.

You are different
Every time we meet.
Lemon, lavender lemon,
Fennel orange, blood orange,
Endless possibilities.
You are beautiful to me
In all your aspects.

I gently
push the tines of my fork
through the smallest portion
of your dense
Teasing myself
Making you last.

Slowly, slowly
I bring the fork
To my mouth,
Press my lips
Around the metal,
Take you in.

My tongue
smooths your cool softness
On the roof of my mouth
Savoring every flavor,
every texture,
Crust as rough complement.

I can’t control
My low moan
As I swallow,
But I don’t care who hears.
Let the world
Know how I feel about you.
You are mine,
And I won’t share!

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