
A word or two before ya’ll read this one. This is writing. I heard about my recent foul language (Mom), so I want to reassure you all that I am fine. It’s just words. Likewise, nobody needs to be having a “You’re So Vain” moment over this. Just sayin’. *smoochies* Oh, and as always, please feel free to risk hurting my feelings. I want your input.

Burn the pastfuture,
burn the futurepast,
release us both.
Words to the flames.
Praying to myself
for guidance.
I’m the only one
who can break the

Need so strong,
I breathe
through sobs,
struggling not
to reach for you,
beg for help
because I know
I’ll find only darkness

I shatter my image of you,
shatter myself
on your image of me.
I don’t see myself
through your eyes
I’ll leave the ashes
of my grief in the sand
and walk away.

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