Goodbye Dumas

Goodbye Dumas, my baby kitty, kitty boy, baby boy, kitty face, pretty face, kee, monkey boy, little love, Mr. Kitty, jerk, and of course, dumb ass.

I walked in the door today after work, and was freshly devastated.  You weren’t already mowing at me as you turned the corner from the family room, or from the bedroom, or from around the pony wall as you ran to come down the stairs to see me. I still whispered to myself, “Hi baby kitty, did you have a good day?”

You didn’t follow me to the corner and try to trip me while I put my bags down and hung up my coat, insisting that the next thing I do is pick you up to snuggle (you learned the trick of standing up and putting your paws on my thighs so fast when it used to hurt me to bend and pick you up). You didn’t run next to me while I went to the bedroom to change clothes, and run you a little water in the bathtub.

Tonight, if I can eat, you won’t be sticking your face in my plate, even after I take you off the table over, and over, and over…

You aren’t going to flop on my shoulder while I’m on the computer, or reluctantly go “Be a basket kitty” when my neck starts to hurt from your weight.  You aren’t going to fall asleep so completely, curled so tightly that your exhalations can only escape through the side of your mouth with a quiet “pfffff”.

At bedtime, just like last night, I will probably still say, “C’mon Kee, ready to go nigh-night?” even if it’s only in my head.

You aren’t going to sit in the bathtub for an hour waiting for more water, then leave without acknowledgement after you get it.  You aren’t going to lay on my chest between me and my phone while I try to learn German, and bend your head down to get kisses on your nose and forehead. You aren’t going to get up and wander away, then 5 minutes later start yowling from downstairs like you are lost and have no idea where we went. You aren’t going to come back at 3 am, lay on me and put your cold paw on my nose (were you trying to boop my nose like we did yours? It’s boop, release, you know), or on my lips, or my eye, or lick me while I try to cover my face, or allow me to put you under the covers against me and finally relax with your head on my arm.

I miss you so much, my little love.  I am hoping it gets better, but right now, I’m heartbroken.


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