Being Childish

I want to see the world
through my old eyes

I want to move through the world
with graceful innocence

I want to touch everything
just to feel the textures

I want to do things
just because they are fun

I want to hug people
when their laughs makes me happy

I want to see dragons
in the shapes of leaves

I want to squat on the sidewalk
and look at worms

I want to touch a friend
without fear of jealousy

I want to stop
and talk to the squirrels

I want to watch
little brown birds watch me

I want disappointments and hurts
to last hours not days weeks months years

I want to see
fish bones in the clouds

I want to dance
because the music moves me

I want to say
exactly what I feel

I want to dress
in colors and patterns that don’t match

I want to sing
songs made up as I go

I want to be asked
when people don’t understand

I want to love
without restraint

I want to find joy and silliness again
I want to indulge my childishness

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