I have a notebook that I am using to jot down the lines and ideas and partial poems that come to me. For a while, I just kept a word document up on my screen at work and wrote things on there, but it was obnoxious to have to email it to  myself every day, I obviously can’t do that when I am out and about (I can and have used my phone, but it has its own awkwardness), and I started to be uncomfortable with the idea of what I was writing hanging out on the corporate servers forever.

My notebook has gotten pretty unwieldy. I have pages and pages and pages of material, in no order. Often an idea will repeat in some variation, sometimes an idea just being a single word.

As I was laying in bed this morning, having woken up at 4:30 AGAIN, I was thinking that I should get up and try to organize that a little. Then I started thinking about how I never seem to get anything done, even the “have to”s, recently. Aside from being lazy, I’m going to blame a combo of this apartment, and television. And this week, I am blaming the keyboard at work. I am absolutely wiped out by the end of the day from trying to type accurately and quickly on that stupid flat keyboard. Luckily, my replacement ergonomic one should be here today. (hehe, just as an aside: I was typing this and Patrick came over for a kiss. I turned my head to look at him and kept typing. He HATES it when I do that. He says it creeps him out. *laugh*)

We don’t watch a lot of television. We pretty much watch one series at a time. But when we are tired or bored, we will watch 4 or 5 episodes in an evening. Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot Patrick can do here, so we end up pretty much just watching the show every evening, all evening. And eating. That’s a problem, too.

Patrick has suggested that I could work on writing while he is watching something I am not interested in, but my desk and the TV stand touch each other. I can’t concentrate like that, and some of the things I am writing, quite honestly, I don’t need an audience for.

My point is that once we are in the house, he will have things to do, I will have some space, and maybe some of the things that make my brain spin nonproductively will settle out.

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