There is a certain freedom in the assumption that I have no audience but me. Yes, I know there are a few who read my posts, but I’m writing to please myself at this point. I’m not allowing myself to worry if the words are right, or are going to make someone upset with me. I’m just getting them down, and playing. If there are some truths, if there are some lies, if there is a dash of one, and a heap of another, so be it.
I always prided myself in being very honest. I have learned how to put a spin on honesty. I have learned that honesty is not the same as full disclosure. No one needs to know my whole mind. It really is a scary place.

2 thoughts on “12”

  1. “…and playing.” Like playing Age of Mythology!? =D

    I miss you and Pat to the point where I have to just not think about it in order to not get upset some times. …Not that that helps anything… I just haven’t ever said it.

    • Oh, honey, we miss you too. You are always welcome to call, visit, email, send up flares, whichever.
      After my school is done, theoretically, we should be able to visit, or bring people here more often. One if the reasons I am in school in the first place…more choices. I love love love you!


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