So far today…
I have gotten the oil changed in my van, found out how much it is going to cost to replace the broken scoop thingy on the front (not as much as I was afraid of), understood what an unknown 1 year old was saying, gotten my hairs cut, got talked out of going shorter, got talked into buying salon products *boggle*

What I would like to get done today…
1.Wash my car
2.Clean out my car
3.clean the library
4.balance my checkbook
5.figure out what dragon to carve for the “no solicitors” sign
6.patch the holes in the bathroom wall where the falling/shattering mirror impaled it.
7.clean off the table
8.go get either colored denim or little girls jeans from salvation army so I can start Pat’s quilt
9.clean up the “side yard” (little strip of land between the neighbor’s fence and our drive. It is about 2 feet wide)
10.lay on the deck in the sun.

hmmm. wonder how much I will get done. Guess I had better go find out.

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