It is BEEYOOTiful out! A very few little puffy clouds to the north west, very blue sky. And the thermometer in the van said it was 78 degrees, the Sea Galley Sign said it was 85, and the one on the back deck in the shade says it is 82!
Too nice to stay in. I’m goin’ out!

3 thoughts on “”

  1. Hot
    I remember once it got officially to 84°F in Anchorage when I lived there, which was really, really hot since the all-time record high temperature ever recorded there is 86°F. It felt more like 100°F! Anyway, it was much too hot in my apartment and I thought I was going to melt to death… as I was hanging out my third-story window trying to get cool, I looked up at the Chugach Mountains and saw the last remnants of melting snow up there and I thought “snow is cold”… and that was the first time I ever hiked to the top of a mountain in Alaska. It was so worth it and I hiked up in the Chugach Mountains every summer after that until I moved away.

    • Re: Hot
      The last couple of summers have been super-hot, but I don’t think that it was in May that it got into the mid-high seventies. T’was nice to sit out on the deck. 🙂


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