Apparently I post more when my computer stays on. Duh.
Kitty went back to the vet briefly today. He was seeming uncomfortable with the feeding, and his tube seemed out further than it was. I had called and they said that I could push it back in. So we unwrapped the neck bandage and realized that it looked like there was blood in the tube. Low Key Panic. I don’t think I could do a full freak out about any of this at this point. I’m too drained.
Anyhow, long story short…
The tube is rubber. Pink rubber. If there were blood in it,which there wasn’t, we wouldn’t be able to see it. Stupid tired minds and dim closet lights. Oh well, at least the vet rewrapped his neck the right way, so the bandages are only 2 inches wide rather than the 3 or 4 that I had. Cutting holes in the bandage bits for the tube would have been a good idea, yes. Too bad I didn’t think of it.
I’m not feeling very intelligent the past couple of weeks. Usually problem solving is one of my talents. Humph.

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