catch up

Here I am. Not lost…
The trip was good, got a lot of shopping done (Mom’s a shopper). Got to see the family. Missed Patrick, but not incapacitated by it.
Have been reworking the craft closet in preparation for christmas projects (that took about 5 days. didn’t help that my knee went wonky and wouldn’t support my weight for very long for a couple of days). Found a piece of fabric today that I had looked everywhere in town for and even on the internet. Good thing I decided to go to Joanne’s. Now I can finish designing that quilt. Not saying what the theme is or who it is for at this time. I will post pics after Christmas. 🙂
Actually looking forward to Christmas this year. The past several we haven’t even had a tree or even the felt curtain tree up.
Off to go make the bed.

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