health stuff

So…my rheumatologist had been trying to get me on Humira, but we had not succeeded due to stoopid insurance not covering it. I understand that it is expensive, but my doc’s letter to them for the appeal said specifically “this patient will be crippled without aggressive intervention”. I didn’t think I was that bad, but…
In any case, my company was bought by a larger co a few years ago, and now we are on their health plan. It covers Humira. Yay!! My cost is still $400 per at the pharmacy, or $400 per 3 months at the online pharmacy, but it will be worth it if I can put on sexy boots again (a girl has to have priorities!). It has the same potential serious infections leading to death warning as the methotrexate, but quality of life over quantity was the bargain set a long time ago at my house.
So I started it on the 24th. Doc offered to show me how it worked, so I got a dose free(!!) and got to have the pen used on me. I like it much better than the subcut. Methotrexate. It is a bit like the migraine med that Steph had. It is pre-loaded and the needle is concealed, so I will never have to see it. That I think was my big prob with the methotrexate. By the time I got the needle out and ready, and got the rubber capped bottle out and alcoholed and my skin alcoholed, I was so worked up that I would feel physically ill. I switched to pills several years ago, but the smell of alcohol still nauseated me until just a couple of years ago. This should be much easier too, because it is every other week instead of every week.

On another matter, I was supposed to have my Sleep Study tomorrow, but I have a head cold, so I am going to have to cancel. It only took me 2 months to get in in the first place. I am SO MAD. I have had colds pretty much constantly since October 9. My snoring has been so bad that Patrick has spent at least part of almost every night in the library on the futon. I feel terrible about it, but have tried all of the OTC things, and snore no matter what position I sleep in (even sitting up). I have been looking forward to maybe having a solution that doesn’t involve Patrick smothering me with a pillow.

2 thoughts on “health stuff”

  1. Perhaps the doctor is trying to get somebody’s attention with the appeal. 🙂 *hugs*! Man, sounds like things are just all over the place for you. I hope you get over your on-going cold soon!


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