Finally took a vacation

Patrick and I had never been anywhere that wasn’t family involved together. Lucy (not Riccardo, but the 3.2 million year old remains of the oldest upright walking pre-human found so far) is at the Pacific Science Center, and I had won miles at work a year ago that were going to expire, so we went to Seattle this last weekend. 🙂
We walked A LOT, the exibit was v. cool, there is a bakery in Pike Place market with Vegan and Gluten Free stuff, and we spent a lot of nice relaxed time together.
And we stayed at the Hyatt, which has Big Bathtubs and seperate Big Shower. 🙂 Lovely after long days of walking.
I hope we can do more vacations like that at some point. I didn’t think about all my Worry Things until I was in the shower getting ready to go back to work yesterday.

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