Working title: The Dead Raccoon Song

Laying back
hands on chest
looking so relaxed,
but his teeth
are bared
as he turns from me.

In sick fascination
I watch you dissolve.

He shrinks away
once strong and laughing
now silent and thin
seeing nothing
but the darkness
he’s created
for himself.

In sick fascination
I watch you dissolve.

Life eats him from the inside
formless insecurities
writhing and breeding.
He sees betrayal
pushing love
away with suspicion.

In sick fascination
I watch you dissolve.

Stay still, lay still
and the world won’t hurt.
If you don’t reach out
you can’t be burned.

But I won’t stay.
I won’t live dead.
All you can teach me
is how to shut down.

In sick fascination
I watch us dissolve.

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