There is a certain freedom in the assumption that I have no audience but me. Yes, I know there are a few who read my posts, but I’m writing to please myself at this point. I’m not allowing myself to worry if the words are right, or are going to make someone upset with me. … Read more


Songs are the major form of poetry I am exposed to, so I have been listening to how they are put together, hoping to learn more about what makes a successful poem. I’m not sure I am learning what I intended to, but it has been pretty interesting, anyway. Songs have some advantages poetry doesn’t. … Read more


I’ve tried to say goodbye, over and over, stretching silence until I break. I always find a reason to reach for you again. You never notice I’ve been gone. You are a part of my every day, a solid presence in my mind. My heart wouldn’t be the same without you. I sleep, wondering if … Read more