Catch up posts

I finally checked my email and found that people had responded to some comments that I had made. Sorry it took me so long! I wasn’t ignoring you, I swear! Patch-Thanks for the knitting help…now it makes much more sense. I knitted one row, turned the work and purled the next and now it looks … Read more

health stuff

So…my rheumatologist had been trying to get me on Humira, but we had not succeeded due to stoopid insurance not covering it. I understand that it is expensive, but my doc’s letter to them for the appeal said specifically “this patient will be crippled without aggressive intervention”. I didn’t think I was that bad, but… … Read more

I’m alive. Bought a learn-to-knit-kit today (flash image: thousands of little Caties made of yarn running around…Shudder… :P) Had a good x-mas and new year. Everyone survived… Need to clean and cook. Have been on the recumbent most every day. No loss of weight yet, but my legs are getting firmer, so I s’pose that … Read more