You are the sixth Doctor! Well, you’re a bit complex, aren’t you? No one is really quite sure what to make of you at times. You might even have something akin to a split personality. Your sense of style leaves a lot to be desired, certainly. However, behind the brash and egotistical exterior likes a … Read more

Apparently I post more when my computer stays on. Duh. Kitty went back to the vet briefly today. He was seeming uncomfortable with the feeding, and his tube seemed out further than it was. I had called and they said that I could push it back in. So we unwrapped the neck bandage and realized … Read more

The kitty seems slightly better today. Didn’t throw up at all yesterday. The fluids went slightly better last night. Pat and I changed how we were doing things a little so that we can both hold onto Dumas. And it takes both of us. He is a flexible cat. I have given him 2 cc … Read more