life gets in the way

Sorry it has been such a long time since I updated… For a while I didn’t feel like being on the computer in general, then my computer started locking up, so it was annoying me and I REALLY didn’t want to be on it, then the Kitty got really sick and I haven’t had time … Read more

Your results:You are Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker 70% Yoda 69% R2-D2 64% Obi-Wan Kenobi 62% Boba Fett 61% Princess Leia 59% C-3PO 57% Darth Maul 57% Emperor Palpatine 56% Han Solo 56% You value your friends and loved ones, but can sometimes act recklessly because of your emotions. Occasionally you resort to whining. You look … Read more


Apparently defeatist attitudes still piss me off. If you can’t think of a solution, sit down, shut up and let someone else do it. Don’t just say, “There’s nothing we can do, it’s hopeless, WE’RE DOOOOMMMMMMED!” Saw a quote the other day that, while a little cheesy (ok is was on a rec center wall), … Read more