
I was right, yesterday was a record breaker. Official high was 76, breaking the 1960 record which I didn’t catch. At 7:14 AM the radio says it is 53. 🙂

It is BEEYOOTiful out! A very few little puffy clouds to the north west, very blue sky. And the thermometer in the van said it was 78 degrees, the Sea Galley Sign said it was 85, and the one on the back deck in the shade says it is 82! Too nice to stay in. … Read more

Since mizkit and pers1stence both tagged me, guess I should do this. *grin* FOUR JOBS I HAVE HAD IN MY LIFE: 1. Retail sales 2. Greenhouse transplanter (only for 2 weeks. You have never seen such a sunburn) 3. Customer service rep 4. Credit Insurance balancer FOUR MOVIES I WOULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AND … Read more