Had a very nice time at breakfast. Sister has a new tattoo! Her first, but it is big! Very nice, too. 🙂 Need to have the older nephews to spend the night again sometime. The youngest is still in diapers, so we aren’t ready for him yet. The older 2 love to play WarCraft (what … Read more

continuing yesterday’s tasks

Balanced both check books, updated excel budget formula, Pat washed the van so I don’t have to. Haven’t even killed the dog, even though she whined the whole time Pat was outside and is whining now because another dog is barking. Going to breakfast/lunch with sister and nephews. 🙂

on the success (?) of today

I did not get many of the things on my list done. Granted it is only 4, but I’m pooped. Pat went to Ken’s. I did go sit in the sun, and actually worked a little on the cross stitch. Yay me. However, white thread on white canvas in VERY bright sunlight rapidly makes Melissas … Read more