10 – Being Here

I expected it to be hard to be here. It hasn’t been. The lady who owns the stamp store asked Saturday if it was strange to be back. What I’m finding stranger is that it doesn’t feel strange. I felt most of the day like Patrick was waiting for me at home in Anchorage. It … Read more

9-Back Into The Light

It sounds very dramatic, but I am still recovering from living in the apartment. The dimness, the cramped space, the constant noises all around me were a small slice of my own private hell. I missed my family and friends in Alaska. Patrick had trouble finding work, then the evening job he found kicked in … Read more


I want to do a poem called “Traveling Music”, but I haven’t quite figured out how to approach it. Specific music can take me out of wherever I am when I hear it and send me to a memory associated with that music.  It is like the sensory illusions I get, but milder.  They still make me … Read more