Early Morning

Jeans with no belt sliding down hips. Bed crazy hair theoretically contained under a fedora. Step out of a sleep quiet building. Warm wind sways the trees sounding like a river. One bird calls nearby. Ring of metal clips against the flagpole. Lightening sky with colors barely seen. A vague impression of pink purple and … Read more


I have a notebook that I am using to jot down the lines and ideas and partial poems that come to me. For a while, I just kept a word document up on my screen at work and wrote things on there, but it was obnoxious to have to email it to  myself every day, … Read more

To a Child Never Born

I knew your name Before I knew your father. Keiyah Marie Named after Arthur’s brother and a cat. It would have made you laugh when I told you. He dreamed of you after we met. Woke me up talking to you in his sleep. You wouldn’t stay out of the dog’s food. We named your … Read more