Time Gone

Time gone Kisses in the wild darkness Our hearts beating fast with the music around us Cloak walks in the wind Watching your hands dance the words Seeing you sway, eyes closed while you sang Wishing I could be that beautiful Even though you told me and told me I was How you challenged me … Read more

Perception Shift

Realization Plunges me into icy water Leaving me gasping Too shocked to feel the pain I try to breathe Slowly remembering how Waking from a long dream To find reality makes no sense.


Repost from Facebook: I’ve been writing again. On paper with a pen. It feels good. Changing and rearranging is harder on paper than on a computer screen. I have lines crossed out, written, crossed out again. Numbers to say “this goes here”, “no, wait, here”. The tracks of my efforts to put my heart on … Read more