Obviously, Dumas is feeling better. He just Elephanted down the stairs. 🙂 He is also tubeless. Yay!!! We have a new dishwasher. The old one was the original to the house. House was built in ’83. We thought we had fixed its leak. It just went under the flooring instead. Now we have a water-expanded … Read more

still here, still alive

Went to Mom and Dad’s today for family get together. It was a lot of fun. Tim had some movies that soldiers in Iraq have put together and lots of pics. It was very good to see him. The boys were pretty much all smiles. 🙂 We all ate too much and older sis and … Read more

good day

Today has been a Good Day. I woke up to a purry Kitty Face right in front of me. He walked over and round me several times, pausing every now and again to lay on my chest and puuuuuurrrrrrrr (Pat says my chest makes a good amplifier). He wanted under the covers, so I let … Read more