Songs are the major form of poetry I am exposed to, so I have been listening to how they are put together, hoping to learn more about what makes a successful poem. I’m not sure I am learning what I intended to, but it has been pretty interesting, anyway. Songs have some advantages poetry doesn’t. … Read more


I want to do a poem called “Traveling Music”, but I haven’t quite figured out how to approach it. Specific music can take me out of wherever I am when I hear it and send me to a memory associated with that music.  It is like the sensory illusions I get, but milder.  They still make me … Read more


I’m wondering if I am in a rut, structurally. I keep wanting to do repeating small verses. Not really sure why. But I like the emphasis it brings to the ideas. And the longer verses between add to or modify the meanings of the small verses. I’ll just have to pay attention, and make sure … Read more