
I’ve tried to say goodbye, over and over, stretching silence until I break. I always find a reason to reach for you again. You never notice I’ve been gone. You are a part of my every day, a solid presence in my mind. My heart wouldn’t be the same without you. I sleep, wondering if … Read more


Memory written Fall 1990? A knock on the door. then… Bare feet on gravel. tears… Popping flames reaching for sky. sirens… Mother running with water-filled wastebaskets. smoke… Choking black billows. heat… Men running in and out. explosions… Nails biting deep into trees. burning… Still heart and mind. falling… Father running down the drive. crashing… Frightened, … Read more


Find clarity in my coffee cup. Morning after misery. Tell myself it’s just some fun, bury loneliness in a stranger’s arms. Our bodies tell us lies, but we hear what we want to hear. It could be different this time. It could be a beginning. Midnight promise is empty in the morning. We are still … Read more