
This moment is the only moment. No connections. Isolation is all there is. Silence has finally fallen but it is not a comfort. Nothing has ever been good. Nothing will ever get better. The weight of nothing crushes. This moment is the only moment


i.   The safe answer to hard questions? My answer. His questions. They send me spinning doubting myself my feelings my motives eroding what I was sure of. Projecting his uncertainty and insecurity onto me, making me wonder if I know my own heart, wonder if I can trust myself, my reactions, my perceptions. Sending … Read more

Early Morning

Jeans with no belt sliding down hips. Bed crazy hair theoretically contained under a fedora. Step out of a sleep quiet building. Warm wind sways the trees sounding like a river. One bird calls nearby. Ring of metal clips against the flagpole. Lightening sky with colors barely seen. A vague impression of pink purple and … Read more